Risk factors prevalence in community acquired pneumonia in primary care in Spain

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in adults even in developed countries. Several lifestyle factors and comorbidities have been linked to the increase of the risk of CAP.
The burden of pneumonia in primary care in Spain is of considerable importance, however, the prevalence of the different lifestyle risk factors and co-morbidities in patients seeking medical assistance due to pneumonia at primary care level has not been well documented. A better understanding of the individual phenotypes with the greatest risk of CAP can help to develop and implement the appropriate interventions in order to reduce the risk of infection and burden of disease at the earliest level of medical care.

Primary Objectives:
– To assess the prevalence of lifestyle risk factors and co-morbidites in primary care adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia
Secondary Objectives:
– To assess the prevalence of CAP in primary care in Spain
– To assess the vaccination rate (influenza and pneumococcal) and treatment performed in CAP population vs general population, and according to risk factors